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Choose your weapon!
ionDESK Practice™
Practice trading against live market data
ionDESK Active™
Place advanced bracketed trades with flexible strategies
ionDESK Vision™
Research and get new ideas using innovative tools
ionDESK Robot™
Automate trades using robotic and algorithmic features
ionDESK Max™
Place multiple trades simultaneously and save time

Welcome to ionDESK!

ionDESK is a unique trading workspace that provides comprehensive tools for all types of market traders and investors. Our application suite delivers power, flexibility and simplicity for your market task.


Note : Currently ionDESK only works for customers with valid Etrade or TradeKING accounts. If you do not have an active E*trade account click here to create one.




Click here to see our listing on Etrade!
Click here to see our listing on TradeKING!
Click here to see our listing on Tradier!
Click here to see our listing on QUESTRADE!

ionDESK Enables...

Momentum Trading
Pivot Trading 
News Trading 
Break-out Trading
Sentiment Trading
Fundamental Trading
Buy / Hold Trading
Pairs Trading
Options Trading
Contrarian Trading
Scalp Trading
KISS Trading
Trend Trading 
Swing Trading